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MSU Researches Drones To Control Vineyard Pests
At a Viticulture Field Day at MSU’s, Southwest Michigan Research and Extension Center, winegrape growers evaluated some autonomous tools that performed various agriculture tasks; Pest management was one of the tasks featured.
This study introduced an integrated pest management strategy where two natural enemies of the spider mite and mealybug were released into a vineyard along with an insect attractant via a drone drop release. The desired outcome for this IPM combination is the improvement for controlling the spider mite and mealybug population.
Drones for Spraying Pesticides – Opportunities and Challenges
Ohio State University: College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences Extension presents an overview describing how drones were initially used in agriculture up to the most current application, aerial spraying for pesticides and fertilization. The publication addresses advantages and limitations for using drones over more traditional methods, for example, aircraft or helicopters. It also discusses the evolution of spray drones as well as its current particulars for choosing the best equipment for your individual pesticide spraying needs, best practices, and current trends for the future for pesticide spraying with drones.
PIX4Dfields: vineyard disease detection and harvest planning (accessed February 10, 2024)
The project aimed to define and test the most suitable vegetation indices for viticulture. They used the surveys to provide actionable information to the head winemaker. They provided monthly overviews of the site to monitor the vine’s progression in detail without having to be physically there. They indicated that processing images of the vines and returning results within 24 hours are critical to winemakers’ decision-making.