Category Archives: Terminology and Definitions


Phenology is the study of occurrences as in recording items associated with natural events and dates of recurrent events. These recording reflect their relationship to the climatic seasonal changes as well as environmental factors such as: Temperature, pH of the water/soil, and amount of sun. Basically, phenology uses a combination of ecology and meteorology.

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Soil Line

The soil line, in reference to remote sensing analyses, is a plot line of digital number values that typically fall 45° along this line. These values represent red light wavelengths against very-near infrared light (NIR) wavelengths. Generally, soil values fall close to the plot line and vegetation fall away from it. Thus, the vegetation plotting

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SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index)

Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index is sort of a hybrid between ratio-based indices and perpendicular indices. This index recognizes that the isovegetation lines do not run along side one another nor do they necessarily converge to a single point. It is a way to correct for the impact of soil line disparities on two-band vegetation indices

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NDRE (Normalized Difference Red Edge) Index

The NDRE (Normalized Difference Red Edge Index) is used to measure the light waves (approximately the 715 nm range of the spectrum) that are collected from multispectral image sensors. The images are processed and analyzed to determine how healthy the target crop and field is. It is very similar to the NDVI vegetation index it

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(ENDVI)Enhanced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

ENDVI uses blue and green visible light  instead of solely using red light. This index singles out plant health indicators better because it shows how the plant’s surface absorbs the blue light in contrast to the reflected green light and the NIR light, thus it generates a more reliable sign of the crop’s health. The

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(GRVI)Green and Red ratio Vegetation Index

GRVI is another one of the vegetation indices that uses information from visible light range of the spectrum to determine the phenology present in a crop field. This index is calculated from the green and red light reflectance. The method involves a time series of GRVI readings to show the timing of greening-up to autumn-coloring.

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VARI, Visual Atmospheric Resistance Index

VARI was originally designed for satellite imagery. It is a vegetation index the uses only light waves from the visible light  section of the spectrum (Red, Green, Blue). It puts a quantitative value on vegetative fraction estimation (VARI = (Green – Red) / (Green + Red – Blue). The index is only affected by atmospheric

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IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) Sensor

An IMU sensor is a digital device that measures and records an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’s acceleration, angular rate, and orientation in order to maneuver it. The IMU uses a conflation of accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers to achieve the measuring process. Recent developments in this area has allowed for IMU-enabled GPS (Global Positioning System) devices as

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NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) is a graphical display that represents the results from images that were captured with a multispectral sensor during a remote unmanned vehicle survey mission and analyzed for the presence of live green plant life. Thus, NDVI information will bear out a measure for crop health. Learn More (Last Edit: 18

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NTRIP Protocol

NTRIP (Network Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) is a communication protocol  that allows synchronization between an UAV and a base station so corrections for location positioning can occur in real-time during a survey flight. The protocol streams DGPS (Differential Global Positioning) to enhance the available GNSS (Global Navigational Satellite Systems) which dramatically increases the

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