The Parrot ANAFI USA drone has a double optical 4K EO camera. It has zoom in capabilities from wide angle to telephoto (32X). It can detect thermal data with high precision (within centimeters) from an altitude as high as 131ft. It is equipped with a FLIR Boson 320. The thermal camera has two thermal color modes, Relative mode and Spot mode (each mode uses complimentary colors), that make it adaptive to a variety of flight missions. It also has a Thermal Analyzer mode as well as the ability to show both the visible light (RGB) spectrum data results along side the IR data results from the thermal camera. This drone’s security features include: It’s software is digitally signed, connection between the network and drone controller uses WPA2 WiFi protection, which is based on AES CCMP encryption (128 encryption key). It has SD card encryption and does not share the collected data with Parrot or 3rd party vendors.

(Last Edit 8 March 2023, Kellee)