What Is the FAA Required Part 107 Test?

It is a test to assess an individual’s knowledge for the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Part 107 section that states that anyone wanting to conduct drone operation on a commercial level must obtain a drone pilot license (formally, remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating). There are some eligibilty requirements one must meet in order to become a pilot. You must be at least 16 yrs of age, able to speak, read, write and understand English, must be physically and mentally fit to safely fly a drone, and must pass the knowledge test for the “Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG)”. The test is comprised of a set of 60 multiple choice questions. Only a single response for each question is correct. There are currently 696 testing centers in the United States. There are also requirements for maintaining the license once you have achieved the ceritfication. The pilot must have easy accessibilty to the certificate any time they are operating a drone and they must complete online recurrent training every two years to stay up-to-date. You can check the FAA’s public registry to verify that a drone pilot has the Part 107 -certified remote pilots licensing.

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FAA: Part 107 Test

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