This app is used to manage and control the DJI Agras drones that are used for spraying /spreading operations. You may view the data collected from the drone as well. You can download the app from the App Store or for Android. It allows you to manage your spraying/spreading enterprise from beginning to end. You can view the details of your flight such as: data that shows daily or recurrent task information, view maps that show flight trajectories and the parameters that were set for a given flight mission. You can use the information collected to create reports to document your aerial activities or share. You may also view the details of a device’s activity, giving up-to-date operations status at your fingertips. There is access to FAQs to help you with questions regarding the Agras drone connected to the app. A map display is available to view your field (multiple fields can be displayed and individually selected) which you can use to manage your field or share the field data to another individual’s remote controller. This app is free to download on Apple’s App Store. It is compatible with iPhone, iOS 12.0 or later, iPod Touch, iOS 12.0 or later, and Mac, macOS 11 or later and Mac w/ Apple M1 chip or later.
(Last Edit 28 Jan 2023, Kellee)