This is an open source mapping software. On the OpenDroneMap website, you can click on either one of the following to get started: WebODM(User Interface): You can download this version to run on your computer (even offline). With WebODM, you can create orthomosaic maps, point clouds, elevation models (georeferenced), 3D models, take measurements, determine plant health and much more. You can access documentation for WebODM on its website. There is also ODM(command Line), a command line toolkit that processes aerial images. It has been the existing standard for open source processing for drone images since 2014.
You must be familiar and comfortable with using the GitHub repository to fully take advantage of this software. On this site you can learn, use, and contribute to the various projects within its community. Take a look at OpenDroneMaps documentation page to find links to the GitHub pages for getting started, tutorials, how to contribute to the project. Further, for WebODM, it is suggested by much of the documentation and other tutorials that you will also need to download Docker Desktop to successfully use it. Docker Desktop is an application that can be downloaded for Windows, Mac, or Linux. This app lets you build and share containers for applications and microservices.
(Last Edit: 9 Feb 2023, Grace)