Agriculture Top Trends to Watch for in 2023

Major areas to look for focus in precision agriculture for 2023 include: Digital agriculture, robotics and automation, and sustainability practices.

Robotics and Automation

The areas to watch for robotics and automation to increase the efficiency for farm management are things like: pruning, thinning, harvesting, spraying, mowing, and weeding.

Sensors, artificial intelligence (AI), and control systems that autonomously take care of irrigation and monitoring the crops and field will see great advancements as well. These advancements will work toward optimizing the management of pest and disease control thus, increasing the field productivity.

Digital agriculture involves the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to increase crop production as well as the quality of the crop itself. It also is used to optimize the efficiency of farm management operations which ultimately result in reducing the overall operating cost needed to produce and maintain the crop. Technology advancement in digital agriculture and more specifically UAV technology enhances the robustness in the abilities to use remote sensing and imaging to detect variations in the soil, early detection in plant disease, and irrigation issues.   
